Social engagement these days happen through a diverse stream of channels. Some of the common methods of engagement being messaging {Gtalk | Skype | Whatsapp | SMS}, Emails, Social Networks {Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, G+}.
Facebook has funded an IDC research on how Smartphones have had an impact on our lives. The report 'Always Connected - How Smartphones And Social Keep Us Engaged' throws up some interesting behavioural patterns, stats & how mobile apps are driving those changes.
- Half of total US population uses Smartphones i.e 155.1 Million people (2012)
- Primary usage: Text/Message, Talk, Message on FB. All of them are direct communication.
- Highest levels of engagement happens during Friday through Sunday, with the peak on Sunday.
- Top 10 Apps: Email, FB, Web browsing, Games, Maps, Photos, Search, Local Search, News/Sports, TV/Video
- Wake up call: Within the first 15 minutes of waking up, 4 out of 5 smartphone owners are checking their phones.
- 79% of respondents have their phone on or near them for all but up to 2 hours of their waking day.
- Social Apps play a very significant role during Social Events.
- Average daily time spent on Facebook: 32 mins 51 secs
- Average daily time spent communicating on smartphone: 131 mins 43 secs
- Who we are most connected to via Smartphone + Facebook - Friends, Spouse/Parnter/GF/BF, Parents, extended family, colleagues/classmates, children, community.
*Note: The report is based on the online survey of iPhone & Android smartphone users in the U.S.
I do agree that these tools have helped us connect with friends who are separated by time zones or distance. How about those who live in the same city & yet not meet friends. Most of us claim that we do not have time. Rather than lack of time, I feel we lack at effective Time Management & priorities. Time is just an alibi for our own short coming ;)
Go offline! Plan & meet your friend in the city. Surprise them.
Update 31 Mar 13:
If you have noticed the Facebook profile picture updates among the circle of friends. The campaign is a for the support of future of same-sex marriage in the United States by HRC. Ever wondered how many people have taken part in this online civil rights movement or what the Big Data tells us. Facebook has the insights into the week long campaign. FastCo Design | Facebook
Update 31 Mar 13:
If you have noticed the Facebook profile picture updates among the circle of friends. The campaign is a for the support of future of same-sex marriage in the United States by HRC. Ever wondered how many people have taken part in this online civil rights movement or what the Big Data tells us. Facebook has the insights into the week long campaign. FastCo Design | Facebook
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