Today morning when I read this article on Times Of India, was again dissapointed. I really don't understand this government, which intially made all the right noises, now seems to be changing their tunes in implementing the 'Bangalore Metro' project. Everyone knows the state of city's infrastructre, which has been neglected by many governments. Everytime someone raises their voice on the infrastructre, they pass the blame on IT industry for the rapid growth. I hope this government which has the right outlook & mindset towards solving the city's infrastructre hurdles, starts delivering apart from making the noise.
Last week I happened to meet couple of college buddies, one of them had returned from Delhi & was describing his travel experience on Delhi Metro. Just one ride on 'Delhi Metro' has smitten him, he feels that the implementation of 'Delhi Metro' is truly world-class & is very efficient w.r.t time.
I feel by going for 'Bangalore Metro', atleast the commuting problems in the city could be resolved & the government can spend more time in sovling other issues. I hope 'Bangalore Metro' doesn't suffer the same fate as that of 'Bangalore International Airport' which took almost 13 years for the project to take off. Well I am not exaggerating the number of years, its true.
Here is an extract from an article on Swiss Info, "Brunner, who has been in India for four years, speaks of having to cut much red tape with the authorities at central government and state level to bring movement in a project conceived back in 1993." Read more.

Here is an extract from The Hindu," The logo in green and purple has the catchword "Namma Metro" and it represents the ambition of making the transport service dear to everyone, it was explained."
"The green in the logo represents the garden city while the purple represents technology and modernity while being easy to remember." Read more.
News Source: Times of India | The Hindu | Swiss Info
Images Courtesy: From a mail forward.
"The green in the logo represents the garden city while the purple represents technology and modernity while being easy to remember." Read more.
News Source: Times of India | The Hindu | Swiss Info
Images Courtesy: From a mail forward.
sounds like a great proposition, but considering Indian politicians...Im not surprised actually.
I would shock me, if they actually went through with it and acted on it in time!
Megha, agreed that no one is surprised considering the Indian Politicans...but I am afraid even the Bureaucrats & the citizens of this country are responsible for the mess we are in today.
The Godfather - quite an interesting screen name, thanks for dropping by. Agree with what you have said, most of the political parties make lot of noise over many things. Implementation or Accountability is something you can never expect from them.
Most of the solutions being addressed for Bangalore Infrastructre problems as of now seems to be a quick fix or an Adhoc basis. Many roads have been made One-ways, this could help only for couple of years.
If these governments (both @ the Center & the State)don't invest in the infrastructre of every major city in India, I guess we will loose out on the current growth.
I am very optimistic atleast with the Airport being completed on time i.e. somewhere in 2008. As far as Metro is concerned, have no clue when it will materialize.
Aru, it doesn't really matter from where these politicians have their origins from. What really matters is having a vision & game-plan for achieving them. One good thing about SM Krishna was the fact that he was well educated & handled most of the issues related to Bangalore in a fair manner.
I feel there shld be a education criteria for all those who want to serve our nation. If we could only bring that change in our Election norms & enforce them, the rest of the process can be thought of.
I am not too sure if there were any new infrastructre projects initated or new implementations under his tenure. All I can say is he was very good with his PR skills.
Thanks! for the share on Rapishare, will try & download the Video clip.
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