One of the Sunday's last month we decided to go out for Para-Sailing when our plans to go for a trek to Savandurga failed. Adrenjunky had done this last year, so he suggested us why don't we try it out. We spoke to Rama Harve (who conducts) and were lucky becuase they were conducting it this Sunday. So finally six of us got together and left for Hoskote (it is where they organise) which around 36Kms from Bangalore. It was a birght sunny day with a clear blue sky which was perfect for us to para-sail.
The expereince is really great; The rush you get while you to ascend to the sky and stay off the ground for about 2 minutes is something which i can't express in words. You really feel like a bird when you are up there, there is more peace and less congestion. Now i feel like doing more extreme things in life like White water rafting, Bungee jumping, Reverse bungee, para-gliding,etc. I guess everyone who is an outdoor person living in and around Bangalore should dp this atleast one, it's good experience which u can cherish.
So anyone interested in doing this on a Sunday you can call up Rama Harave on this number 9845196025 and know more about it.
Enjoy! some of the snaps which i shot from my mobile.
The expereince is really great; The rush you get while you to ascend to the sky and stay off the ground for about 2 minutes is something which i can't express in words. You really feel like a bird when you are up there, there is more peace and less congestion. Now i feel like doing more extreme things in life like White water rafting, Bungee jumping, Reverse bungee, para-gliding,etc. I guess everyone who is an outdoor person living in and around Bangalore should dp this atleast one, it's good experience which u can cherish.
So anyone interested in doing this on a Sunday you can call up Rama Harave on this number 9845196025 and know more about it.
Enjoy! some of the snaps which i shot from my mobile.

I did this once in mexico.... can we go when I come to india???? :)
Am thinking of going hangliding in the spring. We'll see if I do it!
it does look really exciting..we should try this when i come back
@ Squirrel: Sure i will take u to a lot of places when you come down to Bangalore. Thats the reason i said plan your trip to every small detail.
@ Ranjit: Hey dude it's really exciting to do that. When are u back in India? So how are things going on for u?
Parasailng is so fun! I did it when I was in New Jersey, hope you enjoyed it.
It's exciting and fun.
Abhinav, Thanks mate.
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