Over the last couple of weeks i did come across these 2 books which is worth reading.
Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. Its a semi-biographical novel by an Ex-IITian, who tells what not to do in IIT. The story mainly revolves around the lives of 3 guys who are destined to meet at IIT, Delhi. You never get bored at any point of time even though it is narrative.
The Monk Who Sold His Ferrai by Robin Sharma. The author walks you through a fable which shows the path for realising your goals. While u are reading this u come across many such incidents which each one of us have encountered at somepoint in LIFE!. I am not sure whether by practising what he tells at every chapter you would achieve something great. But i definitely feel by giving it a shot for 21 days/a month, you have nothing to loose in LIFE!;). I know many of you would have read it, in case u haven't then you should read it.Technorati tags:
vivek kondur
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