This day last year I joined
SourceN, so I officially complete 1 year working for SourceN. This is my second job in my Professional life and got to learn a lot of new things in technology, domain knowledge and business model. There are few things which I experienced for the first time,
- Working for a true 'Startup'.
- Distributed Working Environment.
Working for a 'Startup' is completely different from a Big company, both have their pros & cons (will follow it up with a different post). I bet it is fun working for a 'Startup' if your have the right mindset. Even though my previous company ReadiMinds was a Small Company, here we were just 6 of us the day I joined. Today we are almost 5 times that number and have an independent setup in the Silicon Valley of East a.k.a Bangalore.
Distributed Working Environment(DWE) was something new to me and I was not used to, what exactly do I mean by DWE, where simultaneous software development occurs at different geo-graphical locations or in simple words where two teams spread geo-graphically are working on the same product/application. This was the most challenging task during the inital few months to co-oridante development work @ both ends and also have the same picture of the design, ideas & thoughts during the Software Devlopment Life Cycle(SDLC). We managed to pull it off despite all the infrastructre hurdles then. Now we have Video conferencing which makes things easier during the SDLC. There are few areas which has scope of improvement in the implemenation stages, which I am sure we could achieve during the following year.
During this one year I got to learn and expand my knowledge base on many of the technologies and domain. During the initial days, the privileged 6 got to listen the seminar from AjayRamachandran, CTO, Vice President & General Manager, Raining Data Corporation, on some of the interesting subjects like SCM, RFID, Evolution of SCM, Next Generation of SCM, Learning Quadrants, the power of XDMS Tiger Logic and the vast Use-Cases which we documented at the of the 5 day seminar.
I also was given the oppurtunity from Ash Parikh, Director of Development and Technology, Raining Data Corporation, to contribute on two artilces related to Web-Servies @ JavaWorld.
I would like to thank Deepak Ramachandra, CEO of SourceN, Karma Bhutia General Manager, SourceN, Colleagues at SourceN for all the support & making a wonderful place to work. I also would like to individually thank all my Team members Leo Fernandez (who happened to join the same day as I did), Shaumik Baneerjee(former), Madhukar Tryambake(former), Bala Subramaniam(former), Muhammed Yaseen, Kuldeep Singh, Santosh Subramanyam, Saravanan(former), Phani Kiran and Jagadish Pampatwar at SourceN & Ash Parikh, Premal Parikh, Anthony Sangha and Srinivas Raju at Raining Data Corporation for their guidance and help during the development phase. I know @ certain stages of design phase, I have been very vocal about the design, there was no ill-will against anyone in person & it was only for the betterment of the products. If I have hurt anyone during that phase I sincerely apologize for it.
Overall it has been a good year for all of us myself, SourceN & Raining Data Corporation, lets hope to replicate the same this year.