I found this eyesore next to an upcoming MNC in the Suburbs of Bangalore. May be we *Indians* don't care or don't know to keep our envirnoments clean, but what about companies who are setting up their shops in the city, don't they care for them either? As far as i am concerned, i avoid littering the city 99% of the time (not 100% b'coz of my values / instincts ;) ) and at times i try to educate my fellow citizens.
Keeping our surroundings clean lies within our reach and we cannot give lame reasons for this & blame others. Remember the adage "Charity always starts at home", similarly, by keeping the surrounding of our homes/offices clean, the city would remain clean by itself.
The onus is on each and every individual for keeping the city clean, so please keep (y)our city clean.
Keeping our surroundings clean lies within our reach and we cannot give lame reasons for this & blame others. Remember the adage "Charity always starts at home", similarly, by keeping the surrounding of our homes/offices clean, the city would remain clean by itself.
The onus is on each and every individual for keeping the city clean, so please keep (y)our city clean.
Hmm .. it depends on us.. I guess. .but cannot help.. the dump that the construction work is bringing .. the green patch next to my apt is being converted into a demolition dump... its like a living hell.. the housing guys are protesting but still the tractors keep placing them when there is no one around... SIGH and the fight goes on
Its always the construction dump that u find everywhere, but isn't it the duty to transport that dump to someplace else?
I have one idea for those tractors dumping despite protesting, why not have a Barbed Wire across the open space?
Well what can i say to a person who has prejudice about me:). What makes u feel that i haven't tried addressing this time or b4?
If u haven't seen the picture clearly, i feel u need to relook at it once more, i don't know where would anyone use broken Compact Dics(CD's), paper plates, waste papers, etc for construction. Could u please tell me?
Whoz cribbing by the way, i am just expressing my opinions.
BTW please let me know the concerened person, it will be my pleasure to talk & ask them to implement the same.
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