Wednesday, June 20, 2012

~ Remix for better ~

If you haven't watched the series called Everything is a Remix or Steal like an Artist, then you should be doing it right now.

There is no point in boiling an ocean or re-inventing a wheel. You build upon something which already exists to make it even better. That's the power of ideas. 

What triggered me to write this post was the simple UX flow of the ever growing mobile OS - AndroidAndroid so far in its latest iteration i.e. ICS has evolved & has much better UX than the previous versions (Note: Am referring to Stock Android devices). But, even the stock UX doesn't come close to what Sharp AQUOS has to offer. I'm taken by the simplicity & minimal event triggers across various actions.

OEMs (Samsung, Sony, HTC, Motorola) who patch a layer of SHIT over stock Android should be watching this video to learn more about UX, Design & Minimalism. Above all, Google should be paying more attention to this video.

You should ONLY remix original if you can offer something better. Else don't remix.

The power of being open - where you have the option to create / improvise, something better than the original. Unlike WALLED gardened products or approach.

More about Sharp AQUOS

Via @Cotton

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