Saturday, August 23, 2014

~ Spidermen in Bangalore ~

A tale of two men who scaled buildings around Bangalore in August.  

Jyotiraj alias Kothirama alias Spiderman, on 17 August was detained by Cubbon Park police for climbing the 22-storey V. V. Towers & hoist the tricolour on his birthday. Though there is no video of him scaling the towers. Enjoy the video of him made by Vocativ. 

On 19 August, James Kingston known as the “English Spider-Man” posted a video of him scaling a 325-foot crane in Bangalore on a construction site without any harness and dangling one-handed over the traffic below. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

~ Food for thought ~

As Ludwig Feuerbach, the German Philosopher and Anthropologist, in 1862 wrote in an essay  "man is what he eats". That phrase holds good even after 152 years.

This TED talk by Robyn O'Brian provides some very interesting insights on how the food we intake might be the cause for various allergies
& diseases, influx of GM food over the period of time, business model of many food companies & health companies, etc. 

Most of her research & analysis might be specific to the food supplies in the US market. That shouldn't matter, it still worth watching as Urban Indians are consuming produce & food products from supermarkets that sell imported ones. Better to expand your knowledge on the food items that you include in your everyday diet.

As Robyn rightly says, "None of us can do everything, but all of us can do something. Together we can bring the change". So invest 14 minutes of your time and spread the word.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

~ RIP yoga guru ~

One of the greatest exponents of Yoga, B K S Iyengar has passed away at the age of 95. My first memory of BKS Iyengar was during my school days when father used to read & practice daily. I used to join my father to practice yoga on Sunday mornings. 

Never got to see the man in person. RIP Guruji.

Renowned yoga guru BKS Iyengar dies

BKS Iyengar, who helped bring yoga to the West, has died 

For Yoga Guru, Reaching Perfection Is a Stretch

Previously Untold Yoga History Sheds New Light 

Monday, August 04, 2014

~ Speed of darkness ~

Am sure you will be intrigued to know that speed of darkness > than speed of light. How? Watch this video from Michael. I bet you would watch it more than once to get things right. 

Actually there is more to know than what we know i.e. there is more darkness than light in this world.