Tuesday, December 13, 2011


All of us are consumers & have their own needs and desires. Some of these needs are a necessity, while other needs are basically for pleasure. The basic necessity applies to all stratas of the socio-economic across the society.

While an individual's pursuit for pleasureful needs never cease at any point of life. The pleasure oriented needs may be driven by technology advancement, professional, peer related or status symbol.

The necessity needs are necessary for survival. However, the pleasureful needs can spread its wings based on a person's economical might to accomplish the object or goal. All of us fail to understand what actually brings the pleasure. The branded object or the way we project that object which inherently drives the pleasure.

Here is an interesting article "How Expectations Can Turn Anything From Worthless To Priceless" by Paul Bloom. Paul is is a psychologist and author of How Pleasure Works.

It all boils down to what 17th Century poet John Milton said - “The mind is its own place, And in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Simple Gratitude

Most of us take people or objects for granted. Thats possibly human nature.

I may sound too philosophical through the post. The reason behind this post is due to the following chain of events.

My nephew who happened to be walking towards his home via a playground, got hit by a ball over the left eye. He fell & was shaken for sometime. He didn't inform anyone @ home; luckily one of his school friend's dad noticed him fallen & took him to hospital. My cousin (his Aunt) who is a doctor did the necessary phone calls so that proper treatment is provided. I only got to know about this over the weekend.

For a young kid his age or rather anyone, eyes are very essential and important. Eyes are something which we use to process most of the events around us daily. Even though there has been improvement over the last 4 days, he is still very concerned about what what would happen to his eye or vision. I feel for him & wish he recover soon.

In the morning happened to read today's Speaking Tree section in TOI from OSHO, "...

Hearing someone, if you feel there is truth, you simply disappear in that moment. You are not, truth is. Whenever there is something of the beyond, you are not; you have to make space for it. You are only when there is misery, when there is a lie, when there is something wrong. You are only when the shoe does not fit.

When the shoe fits perfectly, you are not. Then you forget the feet, you forget the shoe. When there is no headache there is no head. If you want to feel your head, you will need a headache; that is the only way.

The farther away you go from nature, the farther you are from happiness."

In the evening happened to stumble on this beautiful & meaningful video of TEDx event by Louie Schwartzberg on the subject called "Gratitude"

Feel living in the moments and appreciating simple things give way to a joyful contented life. Live it and be grateful for the life around you every single day :)

Thursday, September 01, 2011

~ Rekindling the passion for writing ~

Just happen to come across an article on Mashable which said Google is bringing lot of 'Design' changes to their good old Blogger platform.

Visited the blogger after a long break, i.e. 2 years and 6 days. Thats surprising myself, quite a long break for a person who loves to express his thoughts. The reasons for staying away from Blogging can be attributed to various aspects on the technology & personal front. Technologically the birth of new social media platforms: twitter, facebook and most recently G+; procrastination towards & lethargy.

Here I 'm, with a new template & enthusiasm am back for good. Too many of incidents, situations, events & thoughts to share.

Lets continue the journey where we left out :)

Update: The countdown on facebook over the last week was related to the exit from Facebook. Am not sure if its forever or temporary. De-Socializing from 'The Social Network' was very much needed ;)

~ Ganesha Habbada Shubhashaya ~